How To Get Deodorant Stains Out Of Polyester Clothing

Learn how to get deodorant stains out of polyester clothing with our advice to help you get your shirts looking good as new.
Underarm stains can ruin otherwise perfectly good shirts, forcing you to push them to the back of your closet or just get rid of them altogether. This is especially true of polyester shirts. Fortunately, there are tips and tricks that you can follow to get rid of those pesky stains. Here is some advice on how to get yellow deodorant stains out of polyester and other synthetic clothing once and for all.
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Where Do Deodorant Stains Come From?
Polyester is a very popular fabric due to its unique wrinkle- and moisture-resistant structure. However, this structure also makes it a less-than-ideal choice for people who sweat a great deal, as it does not breathe well. It also is made up of tightly-woven fabrics that hold on to sweat, deodorant salts, and other stain-inducing materials.
We all know that deodorant stains are a pain. Deodorant stains that leave a chalky, white mess consist of ingredients in your antiperspirant's salt, which reacts to your body's sweat and bacteria to leave stains on your shirt. Skin cells, deodorant fragrances, and your biological makeup can also contribute to deodorant stains on your favorite clothing. Certain deodorants can also leave white marks on your favorite black outfit. These stains can be made worse by the rubbing action between your body and the piece of clothing.
How To Get Deodorant Stains Out Of Polyester
While polyester stains can seem like a death sentence for your favorite shirt, the truth is that they are highly manageable. With the right techniques, you can get deodorant stains out of polyester without damaging the fabric at all. Here are some tips in order from the safest to the most extreme.
- The most gentle way to remove a deodorant stain is to try good old-fashioned detergent. Start by turning the garment inside-out and applying detergent directly on the stained area. Gently rub the detergent on your piece of clothing and soak it in water for about 30 minutes. Next, put the shirt in the washing machine and run the cycle with warm water. If the stain has not come out, do not put the garment in the dryer. This can set the stain and make it more difficult to remove.
- Another gentle approach involves patting and rubbing the stained area with a makeup wipe or baby wipe. But, do not rub too hard—this can spread out the stain and cause damage.
- If neither detergent nor a baby wipe works as hoped, try a stain remover. Make sure to follow the directions on the package and test it on a small area to make sure that it does not cause damage.
- If none of these approaches work, try white vinegar. Make sure you pour enough on the shirt to saturate the stained area. Use a clean toothbrush to gently rub the vinegar into the garment. Let your shirt sit for around 10 minutes and then run it through the washing machine. Air dry, then inspect the shirt. If the stain is still present, go through this treatment again.
- If none of the above options work, you can attempt to use peroxide to remove the stain. Be warned, this could ruin the item by changing its color, so proceed with caution.
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How To Prevent Deodorant Stains On Polyester
There are many actions you can take to prevent creating deodorant stains on all of your synthetic shirts. Here are some tips to help you protect your clothing:
- Applying deodorant the right way can make a big difference in preventing stains. Typically three to four swipe of deodorant on your underarms helps you smell fresh without leaving excess product on your clothes.
- Wear an undershirt to prevent sweat and deodorants from touching your favorite shirt.
- Switch to a roll-on deodorant that does not leave behind a chalky residue.
- Trade out polyester and other synthetic fabrics for more breathable fabrics like cotton.
- Try switching to antiperspirant deodorant to prevent sweat from ruining your clothes. Antiperspirant works by temporarily blocking your pores to prevent sweat from happening.